At this age children are at the school going age and they are in the mixed dentition. At this stage they are losing their milk teeth which are being replaced by the permanent teeth.
Treatment at this stage focuses on:
Prevention through good home care
Children need to have their brushing and flossing supervised. The best time to brush is twice a day after breakfast and before bed. Use of soft toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste is recommended. Healthy snacks are recommended for children these days avoiding sugary foods and carbonated drinks.
Prevention through fluoride use
Fluoride is a proven way of preventing tooth decay. The dentist can recommend fluoride treatments done in surgery given as gels in trays or fluoride varnish. Home use of fluoride is also encouraged given as a pea-sized amount of toothpaste twice a day.
Prevention through sealants
Most decay in children under the age of 12years occurs on the chewing surfaces of their newly erupted molars. Sealants are scientifically proven to reduce decay by up to 50%. A flowable material is placed in the grooves of the tooth of child before decay sets in.
Mouth protectors in sport
More than 200,000 injuries are prevented yearly by wearing a mouth protector while participating in contact sports like rugby, hockey, and soccer. We recommend a custom made mouth guard for all children who play such sports.
We recommend 6 month visits for all children to remove through scale and polish any plaque build up on teeth.
It is essential to get an ongoing assessment of a child’s oral health so that we assess how their teeth are developing. When there is need we refer to the orthodontist for a consult.
A few instances arise when a child’s treatment is best carried out in theatre, under general anaesthesia.
We normally see children for dental treatment in theatre when
-Child needs extensive dental treatment which requires a high level of cooperation
-A child is too young to sit in dental chair for many long appointments
-A child who is uncooperative
We will advise you when we feel a child will receive the best care in this hospital set up.